Question: How do you know when an asphalt shingle roof needs replacement? Are there clues to look for before telltale water stains appear on our plaster ceilings?
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Answer: There are several clues, and the biggest one is age. If your roof is more than 20 years old, there's a good chance it's due for replacement. But younger roofs can fail too,
so it's a good idea to inspect a roof at least once a year. Don't use a ladder, though. Binoculars are easier and a lot safer, and you can spot most problems from the ground.I can't say for sure without seeing your roof, but most flashing problems can be patched or repaired fairly easily. Professional roofers typically cut and shape their own flashing from sheet metal, but the most common flashing pieces also come pre-formed and can be applied without much difficulty using caulking or roof cement.
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